Teaching and Learning Coordinator Message

Welcome to Term 3,

Congratulations to all students for successfully surviving the first exam period for 2019 and completing their studies for Semester 1. Students should by now have received feedback on their results and reflected upon their preparation and completion of exams. Please note that Semester Reports are published on SEQTA as well. Parents/Guardians/Carers are encouraged to sit down and review the reports with their children. Student reports provide students, teachers and parents with a clear and concise picture of a student’s achievement and progress at a point in time.

It will be a very busy term for our senior students in terms of VCE subject selections, for our Year 10 students, and completing VCE for our Year 12 students. Our College held a VCE Subject Information Session on the 26th July to give our Year 10 students an opportunity to introduce the VCE subjects we will be offering in 2020. Students asked many questions and were given guidance on how to select their subjects. Currently, we have successfully completed the first draft of VCE subject selections and look forward to finalising our subject blocks in the next couple of weeks.

Our Year 10 parents have also been invited to our College for a VCE information session and it was fantastic to see parents understanding the processes and procedures of VCE. One message I would like to reiterate is the importance of communication especially in VCE where we expect our students to keep us informed with their absences and any other issues/concerns.

Our VCE students have one term before their examination period begins. Revision is an integral element of effective study and the types of studying parents and care-givers should be seeing at home include:

At this time it is also vitally important that students are provided with a quiet place to study. Sleep is important as is time to relax and do something physical.

Wishing all our students a successful Semester 2.

Ms. Emel Sener
Teaching and Learning Coordinator